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时间:2022-01-18 17:01:06  浏览次数:






1 请勿摄像 no filming/no video

2 请勿录音 no recording

3 请勿拍照 no photography

4 请勿吸烟 no smoking

5 请勿蹬踏 dont step on

6 请勿触摸 dont touch

7 请勿入内 no admittance

8 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗 quiet please

9 请勿乱动开关 please dont touch the switch

10 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内 no drinks from outside

11 请随手关门 keep door closed /please close the door behind you.

12 请节约用水 please save water/dont waste water

13 请节约用纸 please save paper/dont waste paper

14 请出示证件 please show your id

15 请排队等候入场 please line up

16 请保持场内清洁 please keep the area clean/ dont litter

17 请关闭通讯设备 please turn off cellphones beepers

18 请将手机和寻呼机静音 please mute cellphones beepers

19 小心烫伤 caution! hot

20 小心地滑 caution! slippery/caution! wet floor

21 小心玻璃 caution! glass

22 道路湿滑请小心 caution! slippery when wet

23 下台阶时请您小心 watch your step/ mind the step

24 观众止步 no admittance

25 非公莫入 staff only

26 禁止通行 no admittance/no entry

27 谢绝参观 no admittance

28 谨防扒窃 beware of pickpockets

29 严禁使用明火 no open flame

30 场内禁止吸烟 no smoking

31 非演职人员请勿入内 staff only

32 演出人员请到此止步 no admittance for performers

33 一米以下儿童谢绝入内 no admittance for children under 1m.

34 贵宾专用通道 vip only

35 办公区域,观众止步 staff only

36 舞台重地、观众止步 staff only

37 贵重物品请随身保管 please dont leave your valuables unattended38 易碎品,请轻拿轻放 fragile! handle with care

39 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动 display only

40 请保管好您随身携带的物品 take care of your belongings

41 离开时请您带上您的包 please take your belongings when leaving

42 演出进行中,请勿大声喧哗或随意走动。 performance in progress, please keep your voices down and stay in your seat.

43 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌。 no applause between movements please 45 谢谢合作! thanks for your cooperation!

46 机房重地,非公莫入 machine room. staff only.

47 自动门 automatic door

48 应急疏散出口 emergency exit

49 紧急出口 emergency exit

50 禁止出入 please remain seated during performance

51 电源 power supply

52 消防通道禁止停车 fire engine access. no parking.



1 找零请当面点清 please check your change before leaving

2 本柜结帐请稍候 temporarily closed

3 本层图书请在本层购买 please pay at this floor

5 交款后仍引起报警器鸣响的读者,请您持所购商品到开票处重新消磁,由于设备原因给您造成不便,特表衷心歉意。 if the alarm beeps after you pay, please go to the counter with purchased books for re-demagnetization. we are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience.

6 请上二层 upstairs to floor 2

7 欢迎您选用 thanks for shopping here

8 欲购此架图书请

向营业员索取 to buy books on this shelf, please ask the assistant for help. 9 禁止吸烟 no smoking

10 读者止步 no admittance

11 乘电梯右侧站立 stand on right

14 推 push/push

15 拉 pull/pull

16 请勿拍照 no photography

17 闲人免进 staff only

18 勿乱扔杂物 no littering

19 请勿用手触摸 dont touch

20 保持安静 quiet please

21 未交款图书,请勿带入洗手间 please dont take the unpaid-for books to the toilet. 22 请节约用水 please save water/dont

waste water

23 营业员为您查询图书 you can ask the assistants to help search for books.24 注意安全 caution! /caution!

25 请勿坐靠 please stand clear

26 右侧站立左侧急行 stand on right, pass on left.

27 小心碰头 mind your head/watch your head

28 读者止步 no admittance/staff only

29 推杠报警 push for alarm

30 别让您的烟头留下火患 please put out your cigarettes.

31 危难时刻迅速报警 110 emergency call 110

32 火警119 fire call 119/fire alarm 119

33 止步,高压危险 danger! high voltage

34 配电设施:2米范围内严禁放置易燃物品 power supply facilities: no flammable materials allowed within 2 meters

35 警告防火卷帘门请勿堆物,开关操作时请勿站人 warning: keep everything clear of the automatic fireproof sliding door. stand clear when in operation.



1 入口 entrance/entrance

2 危险 danger!/danger!

3 紧急出口 emergency exit

4 安全出口(太平门) exit/exit

5 闲人免进 staff only

6 请安静 quiet please

7 请将通讯工具设置为静音 please mute cellphones beepers

8 办公区域读者止步 staff only

9 来宾登记 registration

10 请勿拍照 no photography

11 灭火专用 fire extinguisher

12 消火栓 fire hydrant

13 紧急情况击碎玻璃 break glass in emergency

14 阅览室 reading room

15 请将未选中的书放回原处 please reshelf the books you dont want.

16 请将目录屉放回原处 please put the drawer back into its original place.17 请爱护书籍 please take care of the books

18 注意归还日期,按时还书 please return books on time

19 馆内禁止吸烟 no smoking

20 馆内禁止喧哗 quiet please

21 馆内禁止饮酒 no alcohol

22 电梯 elevator/lift



1 禁止吸烟 no smoking

2 请节约用水 please save water/dont waste water

3 服务台 service desk

4 安全出口 exit/exit

5 灭火消防器材 fire extinguisher

6 小心地滑 caution! slippery/ caution! wet floor

7 安全通道 emergency access

8 身份证登记处 registration

9 上网前请出示有效证件 please show your valid id

10 禁止黄、赌、毒 pornography, gambling and drugs prohibited

11 禁止吸食摇头丸 no drugs

12 贵重物品请自己妥善保管、如有丢失自己负责 keep an eye on your belongings. personal valuables left at the owners risk.

13 收款台 cashier

14 上网登记处 registration

15 禁止浏览黄色网站 pornographic website visit prohibited

16 请勿长时间上网 please dont surf for a long time.

17 游戏区 game zone

18 聊天区 chatting zone

19 上网区 surfing zone

20 请保持场所内清洁 please keep the area clean/ dont litter














































1 请勿摄像 no filming/no video

2 请勿录音 no recording

3 请勿拍照 no photography

4 请勿吸烟 no smoking

5 请勿蹬踏 dont step on

6 请勿触摸 dont touch

7 请勿入内 no admittance

8 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗 quiet please

9 请勿乱动开关 please dont touch the switch

10 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内 no drinks from outside

11 请随手关门 keep door closed /please close the door behind you.

12 请节约用水 please save water/dont waste water

13 请节约用纸 please save paper/dont waste paper

14 请出示证件 please show your id

15 请排队等候入场 please line up

16 请保持场内清洁 please keep the area clean/ dont litter

17 请关闭通讯设备 please turn off cellphones beepers

18 请将手机和寻呼机静音 please mute cellphones beepers

19 小心烫伤 caution! hot

20 小心地滑 caution! slippery/caution! wet floor

21 小心玻璃 caution! glass

22 道路湿滑请小心 caution! slippery when wet

23 下台阶时请您小心 watch your step/ mind the step

24 观众止步 no admittance

25 非公莫入 staff only

26 禁止通行 no admittance/no entry

27 谢绝参观 no admittance

28 谨防扒窃 beware of pickpockets

29 严禁使用明火 no open flame

30 场内禁止吸烟 no smoking

31 非演职人员请勿入内 staff only

32 演出人员请到此止步 no admittance for performers

33 一米以下儿童谢绝入内 no admittance for children under 1m.

34 贵宾专用通道 vip only

35 办公区域,观众止步 staff only

36 舞台重地、观众止步 staff only

37 贵重物品请随身保管 please dont leave your valuables unattended38 易碎品,请轻拿轻放 fragile! handle with care

39 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动 display only

40 请保管好您随身携带的物品 take care of your belongings

41 离开时请您带上您的包 please take your belongings when leaving

43 欣赏交响乐曲时,乐曲的乐章之间,请不要鼓掌。 no applause between movements please

44 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众请在场外等候,待幕间安静时,入场就近入座 please arrive punctually and take your numbered seat. latecomers please wait outside, and take a seat nearby during an interval.

45 谢谢合作! thanks for your cooperation!

46 机房重地,非公莫入 machine room. staff only.

47 自动门 automatic door

48 应急疏散出口 emergency exit

49 紧急出口 emergency exit

50 禁止出入 please remain seated during performance

51 电源 power supply

52 消防通道禁止停车 fire engine access. no parking.



1 找零请当面点清 please check your change before leaving

2 本柜结帐请稍候 temporarily closed

3 本层图书请在本层购买 please pay at this floor

4 乘梯须知:乘梯请注意安全,站在黄线以内,下梯时及时抬脚,儿童老人应有人领乘。 notice: be careful. stand behind the yellow line. children and seniors must be accompanied.

5 交款后仍引起报警器鸣响的读者,请您持所购商品到开票处重新消磁,由于设备原因给您造成不便,特表衷心歉意。 if the alarm beeps after you pay, please go to the counter with purchased books for re-demagnetization. we are sincerely sorry for any inconvenience.

6 请上二层 upstairs to floor 2

7 欢迎您选用 thanks for shopping here

8 欲购此架图书请向营业员索取 to buy books on this shelf, please ask the assistant for help.

9 禁止吸烟 no smoking

10 读者止步 no admittance

11 乘电梯右侧站立 stand on right

12 小孩乘电梯须有大人陪伴 children must be accompanied by an adult.13 营业时间 open hours/business hours

14 推 push/push

15 拉 pull/pull

16 请勿拍照 no photography

17 闲人免进 staff only

18 勿乱扔杂物 no littering

19 请勿用手触摸 dont touch

20 保持安静 quiet please

21 未交款图书,请勿带入洗手间 please dont take the unpaid-for books to the toilet.

22 请节约用水 please save water/dont waste water

23 营业员为您查询图书 you can ask the assistants to help search for books.24 注意安全 caution! /caution!

25 请勿坐靠 please stand clear

26 右侧站立左侧急行 stand on right, pass on left.

27 小心碰头 mind your head/watch your head

28 读者止步 no admittance/staff only

29 推杠报警 push for alarm

30 别让您的烟头留下火患 please put out your cigarettes.

31 危难时刻迅速报警 110 emergency call 110

32 火警119 fire call 119/fire alarm 119

33 止步,高压危险 danger! high voltage

34 配电设施:2米范围内严禁放置易燃物品 power supply facilities: no flammable materials allowed within 2 meters

35 警告防火卷帘门请勿堆物,开关操作时请勿站人 warning: keep everything clear of the automatic fireproof sliding door. stand clear when in operation.



1 入口 entrance/entrance

2 危险 danger!/danger!

3 紧急出口 emergency exit

4 安全出口(太平门) exit/exit

5 闲人免进 staff only

6 请安静 quiet please

7 请将通讯工具设置为静音 please mute cellphones beepers

8 办公区域读者止步 staff only

9 来宾登记 registration

10 请勿拍照 no photography

11 灭火专用 fire extinguisher

12 消火栓 fire hydrant

13 紧急情况击碎玻璃 break glass in emergency

14 阅览室 reading room

15 请将未选中的书放回原处 please reshelf the books you dont want.

16 请将目录屉放回原处 please put the drawer back into its original place.17 请爱护书籍 please take care of the books

18 注意归还日期,按时还书 please return books on time

19 馆内禁止吸烟 no smoking

20 馆内禁止喧哗 quiet please

21 馆内禁止饮酒 no alcohol

22 电梯 elevator/lift



1 禁止吸烟 no smoking

2 请节约用水 please save water/dont waste water

3 服务台 service desk

4 安全出口 exit/exit

5 灭火消防器材 fire extinguisher

6 小心地滑 caution! slippery/ caution! wet floor

7 安全通道 emergency access

8 身份证登记处 registration

9 上网前请出示有效证件 please show your valid id

10 禁止黄、赌、毒 pornography, gambling and drugs prohibited

11 禁止吸食摇头丸 no drugs

12 贵重物品请自己妥善保管、如有丢失自己负责 keep an eye on your belongings. personal valuables left at the owners risk.

13 收款台 cashier

14 上网登记处 registration

15 禁止浏览黄色网站 pornographic website visit prohibited

16 请勿长时间上网 please dont surf for a long time.

17 游戏区 game zone

18 聊天区 chatting zone

19 上网区 surfing zone

20 请保持场所内清洁 please keep the area clean/ dont litter


1. no fishing. 禁止钓鱼

2. no spitting. 禁止吐痰

3. no parking. 禁止停车

4. no running allowed. 禁止跑动

5. no dumping. 此处禁止倾倒垃圾

6. no admission/entry. 禁止入内

7. no littering. 不要乱扔杂物

8. no dumping here. 此处不许倒垃圾

9. no queue-jumping. 不要插队

10. mind your head. 小心碰头。

11. mind your steps. 小心行走。

12. watch your step. 小心行走。

13. don’t touch the wire. 不要触摸电线。

14. keep away from the fire. 远离火源。

15. caution: wet floor.

16. danger: deep water.

17. danger: no swimming

18. wait off the line. 请站在线后

19. keep off the grass. 勿踏草坪

20. no entry without a pass. 没通行证禁止入内

21. wet paint. 油漆未干

22. full house. 客满

23. sold out. 票已售完

24. emergency exit. 紧急出口

25. repair in progress. 正在修理中

26. handle with care. 小心轻放

27. glass(with care). 小心玻璃

28. hazardous goods. 危险物品

29. explosives. 易爆物品

30. guard against damp. 注意防潮

31. keep dry保持干燥

32.stow in cool place. 宜冷藏

33. keep flat. 保持平放

34. do not crush. 请勿挤压

35. children under five years no admittance 五岁以下儿童禁止入内

36. admission by invitation only 非请莫入

37. no admittance except on business 非公莫入

38. inspection declined 谢绝参观

39. hands off 请勿触摸

40. queue here for tickets在此排队购票

41. tickets cannot be changed or money refunded 票经售出,概不退换

42. admission free 免费入场

43. ticket holders only 凭票入场

44. seat by number 对号入座

45. way in 由此入内

46. way out 由此外出

47. visitors not admitted 游客止步

48. cameras are forbidden 禁止拍照

49. no passing 禁止通行

50. full house 客满

51. keep to the path 请走人行道

52. no pass , no passage 无通行证者,不得通过

53. road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行

54. road up, detour 前方施工,请绕行

55. caution :road up 注意:翻修马路

56. one way traffic 单行道

57. no turning. 严禁转弯

58. keep right 靠右行驶

59. keep space 保持车距

60. no overtaking 严禁超车

61. no honking 禁止鸣喇叭

62. no overtaking on bridge. 桥上禁止超车

63. no cycling. 禁止自行车通行

64. buses only. 公交专用道

65. police cars only. 警车专用停车位

66. arrow only. 请绕行此路

67. overtaking only. 超车道

68. no left/right turning. 禁止左/右转

69. dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内

70. keep dry 切勿受潮

71. guard against damp 防潮

72. keep cool 保持冷藏

73. compensation for damage 损害赔偿

74. danger ,high voltage 高压危险

75. danger ,keep out 切勿入内

76. beware of dangers 提防危险

77. beware of pickpockets 小心扒手

78. shut the door behind you 随手关门

79. please drive carefully 请小心驾驶。

80. road closed 此路封闭

81. slow, school 前方学校请慢行。

82. speed limit of 48kmh 限速每小时48公里

83. the law requires you wear a seatbelt 法规要求系安全带。

84. limited parking 停车位有限

85. parking permitted 允许停车

86. please keep gateways clear. 请保持过道畅通。? ?

87. toilet engaged 厕所有人?

88. for public use 公用

89. free of charge 免费

90. no charge 不收费

91. no entry for general public 公众不得入内

92. no unauthorized entry未经许可,不得入内

93. no way out 无出口

94. please do not leave rubbish here 请不要在此倒垃圾。

95. please do not obstruct entrance 请不要堵住入口。

96. please use other doors 请走其它门

97. close the door behind you 请随手关门

98. meeting in progress, quiet please 正在开会,请保持安静。

99. no food is to be consumed in this area.此处不准吃食物。100. danger,building site, keep out 工地危险,禁止入内。

101. safety helmets must be worn on this site 此工地必须戴安全帽。no smoking.

103. don’t smoke or you’ll be fined. 不要吸烟,否则会被罚款。104. be careful! 当心!

105. free entry for all. 向所有人开放。

106. no admission. 禁止入内!

107. slow,school 前方学校请慢行。

108. children and women first. 妇女、儿童优先。

109. do not damage the trees!不要损坏树木!

110. save water/energy!节约用水/能源!

111. no noise,please. 禁止喧哗!

112. to protect the environment!保护环境


推荐访问:禁止在电教室玩游戏标语 标语 公共场所 口号