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时间:2022-01-07 10:58:02  浏览次数:

龙源期刊网 http://www.wendangku.net/doc/b1ea69070129bd64783e0912a216147917117e8c.html




摘要:; 党的十九大召开以来,我国十分重视“三农”问题,农业发展、农村改革、农民受益是国家特别关注的问题,随着国家乡村振兴战略的逐步实施,我国各地区的乡村发生了较大的变化,在乡村振兴的过程中,有关部门要重点抓好基层党组织建设工作,以其为抓手服务于乡村振兴和农业发展,发挥基层党组织的优势和作用,引领乡村朝着健康的方向发展。在全面建成小康社会的国家发展战略中,乡村振兴属于其中重要的组成部分,不容忽视,做好基层党组织建设工作有助于扭转以往的局面,提高党员干部的综合素质,改变传统的党组织行政化,群众路线边缘化的现状,进而增强党组织的凝聚力和战斗力,为乡村振兴和农业发展提供可靠的思想基础和组织保障。本文就以湖南怀化市为例,首先对湖南怀化的发展优势进行了介绍,指出了基层党建工作的重要意义,分析了乡村振兴过程中基层党建工作存在的突出问题,提出了优化基层党建工作体系促进乡村振兴战略实施的有效策略。


中图分类号: D267.2;;; 文献标识码: A;;; 文章编号: 1672-9129(2018)09-0202-02

Abstract:; since the 19th National Congress of the CPC, China has attached great importance to the issues of "agriculture, countryside and farmers", agricultural development, rural reform and farmers" benefit, which are of special concern to the country. With the gradual implementation of the national strategy of rural revitalization, Great changes have taken place in the villages in various regions of our country. In the process of rural revitalization, the departments concerned should focus on the construction of grass-roots party organizations and use them to serve the rural revitalization and agricultural development. Give play to the advantages and functions of the grassroots Party organizations, leading the rural development towards a healthy direction. In the national development strategy of building a well-off society in an all-round way, rural revitalization is an important part of it. The construction of grass-roots party organizations will help to reverse the past situation, improve the comprehensive quality of party members and cadres, change the status quo of the traditional party organizations" administration and the marginalization of the mass line,and further enhance the cohesion and combat effectiveness of the party organizations. For rural revitalization and agricultural development to provide a reliable ideological basis and organizational support. Taking Huaihua City of Hunan Province as an example, this paper first introduces the development advantages of Hunan Huaihua City, points out the important significance of the Party building work at the grass-roots level, and analyzes on the outstanding problems existing in the grass-roots Party building work in the process of rural revitalization. This paper puts forward some

推荐访问:基层党建工作意义和作用 重要作用 振兴 党建工作
